Leads not Converting?

Engage, qualify and convert more leads into revenue, with AI-powered SMS

Backed by leading Venture Capital Firms

Leads are the lifeblood of your business

But converting them to revenue isn't easy, because sales efforts are...

Time Sensitive

Hot leads cool off instantly, and engaged customers lapse if left unattended.


Converting leads to revenue takes time and money, and requires your best people.


As your business grows, and you outsource sales, keeping the personal touch becomes more difficult.

Error Prone

Your best and worst agents vary, and humans are prone to making mistakes.

SMS and AI are changing the game on lead conversion

By combining the responsiveness of SMS, and the conversational abilities of AI, we deliver higher response rates, at a fraction of the cost of a staffed call center.

SMS Open Rate
SMS Clickthrough Rate
Return for Every $1 Spent
SMS Marketing Industry

Applications For Your Business

See how Luminaries can streamline your sales, from engaging your leads to closing the deal.

Qualify Leads

Leads vary in quality, and in intent. Our AI saves your sales team time and busy work by qualifying the leads and automatically setting up sales calls.

Book Sales

If the lead is hot, and the sales team is unavailable, no problem. The AI can take the lead from start to close.

Speed to Lead

Hot leads go cold, or get picked up by the competition. Get to every lead instantly, 24/7, without needing to staff a call center.

Retarget Customers

Don’t let those leads disappear. Let our AI get that sale for you, by finding and contacting any lead that showed some promise in the past.

Refresh Old Leads

Let our AI work the old leads your sales team doesn't want anymore. There's a lot of value still sitting there.

Lower CPLs

The high open rates of SMS, along with the low cost of AI-powered automation, and 24/7 coverage for high-intent buyers leads to signficiant CPL drops.

See an interactive demo now

Let us show you how AI can effectively convert your leads into revenue for a fraction of what you spend now.