How Luminaries Works

Initially built for connecting some of the world’s foremost experts to their customers, our AI is adept at having personalized, authentic and human-like conversations at the scale of mass outreach.


Set a goal

Tell the AI what goal it’s working towards. The AI will evaluate it’s success and failure against that goal. Available options are:

• Transfer to sales team
• Set up a calendar invite
• Close the sale and collect payment (via link)
• Share documents
• Close lead (in principle) but hand-off to collect payment


Connect data to train the AI

Upload or connect your data, so that the AI learns about your company, your business, you industry and your customers. Your data is secure and easy to connect via:

• File upload
• Public API
• Database connection
• CRM connection


Define rules and guardrails

The AI is smart and will stay on task, but it’s important that you have the control you need to feel comfortable. Define rules and guardrails the AI should stay within:

• Industry regulations
• State-specific laws
• Manual entries


Set the target audience and run the campaign

Set the triggers for reaching out to your audience. You can control who and when, by using:

• List uploads
• Webhooks
• APIs
• Customer actions


See results and refine

See how the AI is performing against your set goal, in for each campaign. Review key metrics, and make adjustments as needed, and track progress over time.